AeroModeller 1943/01 January (RCL#2378)
"At an extraordinary General Meeting of the Society of Model Aeronautical Engineers held last month, important decisions were made which will have far-reaching effects on aeromodelling in this country."
About this Title
AeroModeller 1943/01 January
D.A. Russell & C.S. Rushbrooke (Eds.)
Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., Leicester
Magazine, 55 pages
About this title
Vol. 8, No. 86
Incorporating the "Model Aeroplane Constructor"
Some Notes on Pushers - CA Rippon
1" to the Foot Flying Scale "Harvard II" - HJ Towner
"Ivory Gull II" - RFL Gosling
"Baby Duration" - NK Walker
"Stork" - WA Dean
Peg-Legs - J. Lambert
A Plea to Beginners in Aeromodelling - CK Coghill
Rubber-Driven Race Car - EV Bird
"Meteor" - M. Farthing
Speed Range: The Bird & the Aeroplane - BW Millichamp
"Obeechi" - D. Newman
Scale & Semi-Scale Low Wing Type petrol Model - JFP Forster
Twin Fin Duration - Martin Eden
Folding That Airscrew - N. Gregory
Note to Draughtsmen - AH Smith
Monthly Memoranda No. 11 - OG Thetford
Fighting Aircraft of the Present War XXIV: D.H.98 "Mosquito" - HJ Cooper
Club News - "Clubman"
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