AeroModeller 1942/04 April (RCL#2265)

AeroModeller 1942/04 April - cover thumbnail

"Many and varied are the subjects which are now being taken by the Cadets of the ATC. These boys are keen, deadly keen."

About this Title

AeroModeller 1942/04 April
D.A. Russell & C.S. Rushbrooke (Eds.)
Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., Leicester
April  1942
Magazine, 44 pages

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About this title

Vol. 7, No. 77
Incorporating the "Model Aeroplane Constructor"

Aeromodelling for the ATC - Gordon Allen
Lonach I-A 42in Span High Speed Semi-Scale Low-wing Fighter, with Tricycle Undercarriage, and of Geodetic Construction
"Anabasis" - WG Snow
Small Accumulators
First-class Workmanship: 5ft Span Petrol Model Lysander - A. Welsberg
Gadget Review
Technical topics - RH Warring
Brewster "Buffalo" - WR Jones
Gliders - RH Warring
Monthly Memoranda No 2: Equipment of the United States Air Forces - OG Thetford
Fighting Aircraft of the Present War XV: "Snargasher"
Club News - "Clubman"

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