AeroModeller 1942/03 (RCL#2255)

AeroModeller 1942/03 - cover thumbnail

"One enterprising American aero-modeller has trained his dog to go model hunting for him! The dog is able to keep up with the model and follow it across country until it finally lands. Apparently, however, the dog does not particularly distinguish its owners models and is likely to go chasing after any model. We wonder what would happen if it followed a full size machine!"

About this Title

AeroModeller 1942/03
D.A. Russell & C.S. Rushbrooke (Eds.)
Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., Leicester
March  1942
Magazine, 50 pages

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About this title

Vol. 7, No. 76
Incorporating the "Model Aeroplane Constructor"

Shakespearian Aero-Modeller at a Competition - JLP
Build the "WAD-20", Tricycle Duration Model - WA Dean
Designing for Duration, IV - GW Jones
Sailplanes: Their Design & Construction, Part II - Leofric George Temple
"Doodlebug" - G. Webb
Questions & Answers
Wakefield Quiz - DMH
Gadget Review
Improved Method of Calculating Rubber Motor Turns - JH Maxwell
Bristol "Beaufighter" I - WR Jones
"Lazybones" - Joel Senber
Monthly Memoranda - OG Thetford
Fighting Aircraft of the Present War XIV: Curtiss "Kittyhawk"
Club News - "Clubman"

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