RCM Digitrio Manual (RCL#1929)

RCM Digitrio Manual - cover thumbnail

"If you follow these instructions to the letter, you will have a proportional system that will provide you with maximum reliability and performance for many years to come. We think you'll enjoy the RCM Digitrio Proportional System. Good flying!"

About this Title

RCM Digitrio Manual
Ed Thompson
Radio Control Modeler Magazine, California
Book, 94 pages

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About this title

RCM Digitrio Construction Manual: compilation of all the RCM articles detailing the RCM Digitrio Proportional System, which was designed and developed by the magazine's Technical Editor, Ed Thompson. The series of articles was first published in 1965-66; this compilation was issued later, c. 1970.

Editor's Preface - Don Dewey
Transmitter Final Assembly
Constructing the Digitrio Receiver
Constructing the Decoder
Constructing the Digitrio Servos
Final System Alignment
Converting the RCM Digitrio to Four-Channel Operation
Dual Digitrio Charger - Bob McKnight
Digitrio Servo Modifications - Ray Pisar
Digitrio Servo Tester - Dave Holmes

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