Aeroplanes (RCL#1894)

Aeroplanes - cover thumbnail

"The art of aviation is in a most primitive state. So many curious theories have been brought out that, while they furnish food for thought, do not in any way advance or improve the structure of the machine itself, nor are they of any service in teaching the novice how to fly."

About this Title

J.S. Zerbe
Cupples & Leon Company, New York
Book, 264 pages

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About this title

Fascinating early introduction to the "art of aviation." Illustrated with line drawings.


Theories & Facts About Flying
Principles of Aeroplane Flight
The Form or Shape of Flying Machines
Fore & Aft Control
Different Machine Types & Their Characteristics
The Lifting Surfaces of Aeroplanes
Abnormal Flying Stunts & Speeds
Kites & Gliders
Aeroplane Construction
Power & its Application
Flying Machine Accessories
Experimental Work in Flying
Experimental Gliders & Model Aeroplanes
The Aeroplane in the Great War

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Submission date: 07/07/2017
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User comments:

Hi Mary - I've got 264 completely black pages. Is it me or you ?? Best Regards !!
ChrisPinn - 08/07/2017
The download works ok here and no one else has reported any problems (yet). Might be something at your end? If anyone else is having the same difficulty with this title, please let me know.
Mary - 08/07/2017
I get blank pages occasionally when I use Firefox. When I cut and paste the link to another web browser it works fine. This also happens with the plans site occasionally.
JohnLeB - 13/07/2017
Thank you John, that's useful to know.
Mary - 13/07/2017
The trick with Firefox isn't to open it directly but 'save link as' - that way it always works (you were downloading it anyway, weren't you?).
Daithi - 09/08/2017
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