Profile Publications No. 042: North American FJ Fury (RCL#1882)

Profile Publications No. 042: North American FJ Fury - cover thumbnail

"The evolution of naval aircraft has for more than fifty years been a particularly exacting exercise, a commitment rendered infinitely more difficult by the economics of relatively small production orders."

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Profile Publications No. 042: North American FJ Fury
Profile Publications
Francis K. Mason
Profile Publications Ltd., Leatherhead, Surrey
Other, 12 pages

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No. 42 in the 'Aircraft in Profile' series.

Detailed description of the design, development and operational history of the North American FJ Fury, the US naval jet fighter. Well illustrated with colour drawings by P. Endsleigh Castle and R. Ward, also many black and white photos.

Direct submission to RCLibrary.


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Profile Publications No. 042: North American FJ Fury
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