Halfax Catalogue (RCL#1539)

Halfax Catalogue - cover thumbnail

"The ever growing enthusiasm shown throughout the country in organising Rallies and Flying Contests has been reflected in the increasing sales of Halfax 'contest proved' kits. It has always been our policy to supply only the best, and in our slogan "Makers of Duration History" we express our earnest desire to cater for the keen aeromodeller."

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Halfax Catalogue
Model Aero Supplies, Halifax
Catalogue, 17 pages

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"Halfax: Flying Models & Accessories for the Connoisseur"

Halfax catalogue from just after the end of World War II, c. 1947. Nice black and white illustrations of several classic models: Rapier, Spartan, Albatross, Flying Minutes, Lancer, Trainer, Tern, Commando, Minor, Wizard, Zipper, Hamlet, Ventura; plus assorted accessories.

You can download plans for several of the Halfax models on our sister site www.outerzone.co.uk/search/result...

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Halfax Catalogue
Submission date: 18/08/2016
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User comments:

"Halfax" was based in Halifax, a town in West Yorkshire, northern England. Does anyone know why the company was called "Halfax" rather than "Halifax"?
Mary - 18/08/2016
At a guess Mary, 'Halifax' was already registered as a company (probably the eponymous Building Society) and Halfax was just used to get round that.
Daithi - 24/08/2016
That makes sense - good suggestion!
Mary - 24/08/2016
Hello RCL, whilst searching for Plans for one of 3 Halfax Vintage Aircraft which I am restoring, I came across your Site. There is a Photo of Mr Len Stott on the front cover of the "Catalogue" and pages advertising various Halfax Model Plans and Kits. Marvellous!!! I HAVE THREE OF THE MODELS SHOWN, which were built by my late Grandfather Mr. Cyril Tooby, during his close association with Mr. Len Stott, and the Halfax Model Aero Co. I have Spartan, Flying Minutes and Ventura. They have suffered a little from being stored in the loft for many years, but now that I am retired, I have embarked on restoring them. I even kept some of the original Balsa strips he used as stock. My Grandfather used to build Models for Halfax, and also hand carved propellers for rubber powered models on behalf of the Company. Other associate enthusiasts of my Grandfather's were a Mr. Frank Swire, who owned a Chemists shop in Halifax, and Messrs. Nichol and Brown, who owned a large Toy and Model shop in Halifax. It was in the basement of the Toy Shop where most of the Model building materials were sold, to which I made frequent visits. I have sourced full size plans for Spartan, and Flying Minutes, but had no clue as to the origin of the Glider, until I saw the pages of the catalogue. And there was "Ventura", a full dihedral wing Model with wing which "slot onto" the upper part of the fuselage. What a revelation! Now I just need to see if I can find the plans for Ventura, so that I can fully restore it. Many thanks for your Article, and I hope you find my short story interesting.
MikeBateman - 12/03/2018
Great to read Mike's comments. I recently saw an advert for this model "Flying Minutes" in a 1946 Daily Express sponsored Model Aircraft Exhibition souvenir programme. I googled it and eventually via Roger Newman he sent me a down load of the plan. I have decided to build it and have potential to get some coverage of the build in a national publication. However the fuselage build is not obvious due to the way the formers are laminated. Lacking a set of instructions that would have come with the kit, I can either build the top and bottom sections over the plan then join them by fixing the vertical part of the former, which will be fiddly, and stringing the sides, or build two halves. If I go that route I have printed the plan as a mirror image as well. However that is not in keeping with the former layout. Has anyone a copy of the original instructions, or any helpful methods they would use ? Thanks.
Andy Hopkins - 04/01/2020
Hi there. The way to build the fuselage is to make templates of the formers (to the inside shape of the former), these are mounted onto a rod which goes through the centre of each one and spaced according the side view of the fuselage. You then add the main stringers keeping everything aligned. Add more stringers, wait till dry. Remove rod and formers, there you have it. Have a look for the Copland Wakefield plan for a diagram of what I mean. Hope this helps.
MikeHollamby - 08/02/2020
Ultimately I did it the simple way. Just built a top and bottom half over the plan. Easy to glue together and make with wire wing struts already stitched to centre formers. It only added the weight of 2 strips of 1/16 x 1/8th balsa which did not register on the scales. You must remember to reverse the nose former thrust offset for the bottom one. It is an excellent flyer and flew `Off the board` with no trimming necessary. Wing mounted towards rear of wing mounts. In hindsight I would make F3 which the U/C struts mount to of liteply or harder 1/8 sheet as my tube mount broke the flimsy 1/16th when wheel hit tuft of grass landing. Lot of leverage on those long spindly legs.
Andy Hopkins - 23/06/2020
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