Choosing Your Engine (RCL#1249)

Choosing Your Engine - cover thumbnail

"Ownership of a model engine is practically synonymous with aeromodelling in these affluent days. With this in mind, we intend to run through the process of purchasing and learning how to operate a small diesel. Really, we should be calling our engine 'compression ignition' but the name of diesel is so widely used for these miniature two-stokes that it will continue to be used for ever."

About this Title

Choosing Your Engine
Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., Watford
Other, 8 pages

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About this title

Free booklet supplied with Aeromodeller magazine, 1965.

"A survey of over 50 current production and popular British model aircraft engines."
Informative over-view of British engines available at the time of publication. Includes helpful advice on buying and operating a small diesel engine and glow plug engines.

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Choosing Your Engine
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