Best of the Golden Age of Flying Models (RCL#1042)

Best of the Golden Age of Flying Models - cover thumbnail

"This small firm was born of a chance meeting of two middle-aged modelers who had the same interests. One, Joe Fitzgibbon, a nostalgic dreamer, the other, Harry Keshishian, a very talented graphic arts photographer, were reminiscing about the beautiful old models that were gradually being forgotten in the advance of time."

About this Title

Best of the Golden Age of Flying Models
Golden Age Reproductions, Braintree, Mass.
Book, 84 pages

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About this title

Golden Age Reproductions founders, Joe Fitzgibbon & Harry Keshishian, teamed up with Billy Harney, "master modeler and draftsman", to produce this great little book of plans.

"This little booklet contains, in reduced size, about one hundred and fifty plans of models that were representative, in size and type, of the most popular models of the 30s. It contains models of WWI planes, light planes, commercial planes, racing planes and military planes. The choice was not haphazard, each model was chosen because of some specific quality or general popularity."

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Best of the Golden Age of Flying Models - page scan thumbnails 


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Best of the Golden Age of Flying Models
Submission date: 26/10/2015
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Credit*: RalphBradley
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User comments:

The general view by those who have been on the sidelines, so to speak, is that model aircraft are neat things and fun - but they are really toys…not so, I sincerely believe. Modeling is basically important in all of engineering. The narrow view of models - especially aircraft - is unfortunately encouraged by some of the results obtained by the recent use of radio control and related related advances. I hope this may slowly change… Before finally all fields of modeling are at last recognized for what they really are, your work is a valuable contribution for which I congratulate you. Do you have a catalogue of all your offerings in aircraft modeling?
Fred Culick - 26/03/2020
Hi Fred - it's good to hear you're enjoying RCLibrary. We don't have any paper listings. This website is our 'catalogue' and everything is available for free download :)
Mary - 26/03/2020
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