Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft (RCL#1017)

Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft - cover thumbnail

"Radio control offers a means of remotely controlling many types of model at a distance of up to a mile or more. There are several different modes of control, from a simple one-function to one where six different functions can be simultaneously and independently operated with precision"

About this Title

Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft
Dave Hughes
Radio Modeller
Book, 24 pages

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About this title

RM Booklet Series. Single channel aircraft systems explained, plus full pictorial instructions for building a suitable model from an available plan.

1. How it works
2. Installing the equipment
3. Building a simple model

Quote: - "Steve, I've attached a scan of the booklet 'An Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft' by Dave Hughes contains the plan for the 'Week-ender' which I think is a better definition scan than the one you have. Hope you can use it. Regards,"

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Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft - page scan thumbnails 


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Introduction to Single Channel R/C Aircraft
Submission date: 01/10/2015
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Credit*: AllanWarner
Format: PDF
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User comments:

I had this book with red color covers. This is one of my favorite books for single channel model airplanes. Well written and comprehensive information, as well as including Weekender model plan.
LeventSuberk - 29/06/2017
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