Model Flying Boats (RCL#1002)

Model Flying Boats - cover thumbnail

"...essentially practical in character and no advanced mathematics or formulae are included unless their inclusion is unavoidable ...concerned only with rubber driven models, but there seems no reason why many of the design features outlined cannot be applied with success to petrol-driven models..."

About this Title

Model Flying Boats
JA Sizer
Harborough Publishing Co. Ltd.
Book, 45 pages

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About this title

"For two or three years now the author has been building various types of waterplane. Not all of these have been successful, but gradually success has been achieved and it has been possible to make some notes and generalizations. It is the author's hope that greater interest may be aroused in the design, construction and operation of this type of model, and that is the reason for this little book. These notes are essentially practical in character and no advanced mathematics or formulae are included unless their inclusion is unavoidable. Title is "Model Flying Boats." The notes are concerned only with rubber driven models, but there seems no reason why many of the design features outlined cannot be applied with success to petrol-driven models or any other type ...There is still much to learn in the evolution of a successful design of model water-plane. In hardly any other field of aero-modelling are there so many unknowns and variables. This fact in itself adds tremendous incentive to the keen modeller."

Excellent and highly detailed book with many useful photographs. There is no fat at all in these 45 pages.

Contents listing:

Water-plane nomenclature
Physical features of water
Longitudinal trim
Lateral stability
Metacentric height
Size of wing floats
Choice of hull
Low air and water drag
Strength and lightness
Length on the water line
Beam and draught
Further notes on hull design
Watertight com


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Model Flying Boats - page scan thumbnails 


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Model Flying Boats
Submission date: 19/09/2015
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User comments:

Good Morning! Seems pages 26 and 27 are missing from the downloadable file. Or maybe it’s 24 and 25, the two-page illustration is not page numbered. Anyway the text on page 28 starts in a way that makes it obvious something is missing.
DanAkerman - 18/01/2020
You're right, Dan. I'm afraid we just share the scans that are sent to us. We don't have the original books or magazines. We added this title to RCLibrary very early on, in 2015. I'm not actually sure who gave it to us in the first place! If anyone out there has a scan of the missing pages, we'll gladly add them :-)
Mary - 18/01/2020
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