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RCLibrary is a collection of old-time modeller books and periodicals, held online as PDF files for free download. Everything here is free. The library is open to everyone - you don't need to register or log in to download.
Latest Magazines
Here are the 4 newest Magazine titles uploaded. For more, see the Browse Magazines pages

Grid Leaks - Radio Control World 1966/09 September-October (RCL#2679)
by Paul Runge (Ed.)
Latest User Comments
I've been spending a great deal of time learning to use Chat GPT.I'm going to see if I can get the entire book translated to English using the tool.Wish me luck.I will return and report.
davidterrell80 :
Aerodynamics of Model Aeroplanes : 07/11/2024
Oh those were the days! Building my balsa wood planes, covering them with tissue, and then doping it, whilst sniffing in the vapours.
John Howard :
Aeromodeller Annual 1973-74 : 25/04/2023
Thank you Kenny, really helpful.
Mary :
The Golden Book of Airplane Stamps : 13/09/2022
Hi Mary and Andy, the book in question is “The Golden Book of Airplane Stamps “ by Paul Jensen, published by Golden Press. My copy has what I suspect is a printing date of 1966 and an original copyright of 1954. This was and remains fifty...
KennyHorne, Canada :
The Golden Book of Airplane Stamps : 12/09/2022
Wonderful black and while photos with descriptions and names of some personnel. Also coloured illustrations showing the various paint jobs for the different countries and Squadrons.Eg Russia and NZ and Australia.Eg “Senior Lt. Nicolai...
CarolDavies-Lee :
Aircam Aviation Series No. 6: Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk. I-IV : 09/09/2022
Thank you for the Deezil prints.. perfect timing.. I had bought a NIB CS Deezil replica off "Fee Bay" a coupla weeks ago and the compression was poor and no way would it run.. A quicky rework today with the prints as a guide and I'm...
Al :
Motor Boys International Model Engine Plan Book : 09/09/2022
Hello.I just found and dowloaded this book, which brought memories from my youth. I purchased it in London (Foyles, I think) more than forty years ago, and it opened a new world for me. I bought a glider kit, a radio and I found a suitable...
Juan Domenech :
Radio Control Soaring : 27/12/2021
Hi Mary - I built the Whippersnapper from the featured plan. It flew so well that I built a second one a third bigger. That one flew so well that I am now going to build another one twice the size!This is an AMAZING model! It will fly...
ChrisP :
JR American Modeler 1973/05 May-June : 22/07/2020
Ultimately I did it the simple way. Just built a top and bottom half over the plan. Easy to glue together and make with wire wing struts already stitched to centre formers. It only added the weight of 2 strips of 1/16 x 1/8th balsa which...
Andy Hopkins :
Halfax Catalogue : 23/06/2020
Hi Mary and Steve. What a classic issue! Now that I am locked down for a few months I was looking for a workshop project and found the Sparey .8 diesel engine for home construction. Plans are very clear and so I told a few mates on RC...
DannyMZ :
AeroModeller 1947/05 May : 02/04/2020
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As regular RCL readers will have noticed, I haven't added much new to the Library for a while. Didn't someone say that life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans? I'm afraid life is leaving me less and less time to work on RCL. So, I've reluctantly decided not to add any new titles for now, while I work out what comes next for the site. Mary x
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year. Cheers! Mary x
You've probably noticed the new look to RCLibrary. We're making a few changes to the site template so it works better on different devices. It's not quite right yet - please bear with us as we tweak things. Any feedback from you about what you do/ don't like, is most welcome :)
Hi everyone - apologies for the lack of new titles in the past few days. Also if you've emailed me recently & you're still waiting for a reply. My son is having major spinal surgery tomorrow, for the second time in a couple of years & I'm struggling to focus on plans, planes & magazines. Please be patient over the next week or so. I will catch up eventually, I promise. Mary xx
Hello everyone! Steve and I are heading to the seaside today, for a few days R & R. I won't be working on RCLibrary while I'm away, so I'm afraid there'll be a few days with no new books or magazines. Normal service will resume when we're home :) Mary x
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RCLibrary Contributor Roll of Honour
I want to list the names here of some people who have helped out directly with RCLibrary:
Aeromeddler, BK, Bullseye000, ColinUsher, Daithi, DannyMZ, DenisSharp, HappyRCDude, KevinBranch, JimmySo, JoeFergusson, JPM, KaoruKiyose, Ladybird, Paul&RalphBradley, Pilgrim, Pit, psh, RogerNewman, ser001, Staffan, Stormin, Sundancer, TonySparkes, ZoeQuilter.
Did I miss your name? Then I'm sorry. Let me know.
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